Jonathan BogertJan 6Society HappeningsMuseum Happenings January 2024The Society opens the year after a successful conclusion to 2023. New board members now take there seats and begin the task of guiding...
Jonathan BogertNov 6, 2023Society HappeningsMuseum Happenings November 2023With only two months to go, the year is quickly coming to a close. The chill of November has settled here in Indiana, with a chance of...
Jonathan BogertJan 7, 2023Society HappeningsMuseum Happenings January 2023The calendar has reset, and it is once again the first month of the year. Memories of 2022 linger; however, the air feels fresh and...
Jonathan BogertDec 3, 2022Society HappeningsMuseum Happenings December 2023The end of the year has arrived much sooner than anticipated. The previous eleven months have flown by thanks to an active program...
Allen FiechukNov 19, 2022Society HappeningsHappy ThanksgivingThanksgiving - a day we set aside to give thanks, but why do we celebrate this day? We are all familiar with the first “thanksgiving”...
Jonathan BogertNov 5, 2022Society HappeningsMuseum Happenings November 2022With the year slowly ticking down to its end, the Society has accomplished much and has plenty to look forward to during the final weeks...